May 20, 2020

HS photo 5.20Welcome back to the High School Corner!

Over the past three weeks, we have all been working on a fun project in Humanities that we are excited to share with the SCM community. 

This spring, we studied contemporary American history and everything from emerging social movements to the political choices to the new innovations of the United States from the end of World War II through the end of the 20th century. Our studies included watching documentaries, giving presentations to our peers, and coming up with fun activities that put us right in the midst of historical events! 

For several of us, perhaps the most exciting avenue through which we explored these different decades was examining the music written and released in each decade. Every week, each of us was tasked to work independently to find and deconstruct a song we felt was indicative of 

American experiences, morals, values, or beliefs during the particular decade we were studying. We looked past the surface of the song and dug into the social norms and stigmas that shaped the song. We then put all our song choices in one playlist, which we now want to share with you!  

Although we mainly stuck to music by American artists and groups, some of us included a few submissions by artists outside the US that we felt were especially relevant to cultural conversations happening in America. We’re proud of this beautiful tapestry of music from wildly different artists and genres that we’ve created. We hope that you find a new appreciation for some old-school classics and enjoy listening to our American History Playlist!


Click here for the Spotify playlist and click here for the Tidal playlist.

Thank you for reading! Next week will be our last entry for this year’s High School Corner. You won’t want to miss it!

Jacob and Sophia