September 11, 2019

Welcome back to the High School Corner! 


The High School looking forward to performing Our Town, a play written by Thornton Wilder, this semester. We read and discussed Our Town in Literature Seminar class and are now working with Mrs. Snow to prepare a stage performance. This three-act play is not an easy one to perform. Our Town tells the story of the fictional American town of Grover’s Corners in the early 20th century. A revolutionary play at the time it was written, it features minimal set pieces and props. The objects mainly seen on stage are ladders, benches, and chairs, and everything else—from cooking dinner to feeding the chickens—is pantomimed. The raw simplicity of this work is what makes it so beautiful; it’s about the characters and the audience’s experience. 


Due to the fact that the stage was set up for Tuesday evening’s Climate Caucus, we weren’t able to film this week’s rehearsal of Our Town for this HS Corner entry. However, we were able to film while we worked on our pantomiming skills. Please watch the fun video below and try to guess what we’re pantomiming! 


Thank you for your time; we hope to see you back next week.