March 11, 2020

HS Corner 3.11Welcome back to the High School Corner!


Peer pressure. Hormones. Mental Health. Social media. Relationships. Body image. Nutrition. Bullying. These are all topics that teenagers have questions about. 


Fortunately, the way in which our theology class in the High School is set up greatly encourages us to have conversations about our bodies, our emotions, and our feelings. We frequently discuss the emphasis that the Catholic faith places on the importance of taking care of ourselves and those in our community. In order to foster open conversations and further educate the young adults at SCM, we will be hosting a “health fair” that features presentations geared towards Upper El and Adolescent Community students about topics such as the ones above. The goal of the health fair is to educate students on physical, mental, and spiritual well-being in a positive way. 


The health fair will be set up in the gym and each high school student will have a poster board that accompanies their presentation. Additionally, many of the High School students will have activities and visuals—including word scrambles, videos, live demonstrations, etc.—incorporated in their presentation to give further insight into their chosen topic. We have put a great deal of work into our presentations and are excited to share them with the younger members of our community. We hope that our presentations will help inform our audience on the intricacies of living our best lives every day! 


Thank you for reading; we will see you next time!

Jacob Blackman and Sophia Devereux