Decreasing Your Carbon Footprint

By Jacob B., 10th year

Did you know that each liter of gasoline you use produces about 2.3 kg of CO2?

For many people, getting in the car is just part of the daily routine. Cars allow us to get from point A to B faster. However, cars emit all kinds of gases including CO2, so what can you do to combat this? Public transit is a fantastic option for reducing your carbon footprint. However, for those who are unable to use public transit, we suggest finding ways to make your use of the car more efficient.

One example is being conscientious of idling your car, in other words, making sure your car is not running when it is not being used for transportation. Idling wastes fuel, and considering that the average person idles between 5-10 minutes every day, wasted fuel costs tend to pile up pretty quickly. Another solution, if you’re in the market for a new car, is to consider purchasing a hybrid vehicle, making sure to charge your new vehicle’s battery using renewable energy.

Be on the lookout for a questionnaire on your driving habits from Caroline, a student in the Adolescent Community. She will be presenting her findings on the driving and idling habits of the St. Catherine’s community at the Climate Change Symposium on May 3.