Eating Less Meat Can Help Lower Greenhouse Gas Emissions

By Jacob B., 10th year


Did you know animal agriculture is one of the top contributors to greenhouse gas emissions worldwide? 


During Lent, Catholics across the world are preparing for the upcoming 40 days of personal sacrifices. Many of us in the AC have chosen to go vegetarian to do what we can to combat climate change. However, you can also make a difference by reducing the amount of meat you eat beyond the obligatory fasting. While reducing meat consumption in our day-to-day lives may seem difficult, St. Catherine of Siena reminds us, “Nothing great is ever achieved without much enduring.”


We encourage you to join us on this journey during Lent! You can start by checking out a great kale salad recipe below from Ms. Hijazi, also known as "H-Kat."



  • 2 bunches of Kale 
  • ½ tsp. Salt
  • 1 tbsp. Olive Oil
  • ½ cup Dried Cranberries
  • ⅓ cup Pumpkin Seeds



  • Wash kale thoroughly
  • Cut kale into bite-sized pieces
  • Massage olive oil and salt into kale for approximately 5 minutes
  • Toss in dried cranberries and pumpkins seeds
  • Serve fresh

8th year student harvests kale from the AC garden to sell at their market, The Hive