Decreasing Your Plastic Footprint

By Jacob B., 10th year
Did you know the petrochemical industry is the third-largest industrial emitter of greenhouse gas emissions? Petrochemicals are used to create plastics. Plastic has become an essential aspect of modern living, and truthfully that isn’t a bad thing. Plastic is a versatile material with near limitless capabilities. It has been molded by the imagination of humankind to fit many roles. A great example of the good that plastic can bring into the world is the IV tubes used at hospitals. However, plastic is not a biodegradable substance and discarded plastic often ends up contaminating our waterways and polluting the ecosystems around us.

To try and swear off plastics altogether would be extremely difficult. A much more attainable goal is simply decreasing the amount of plastic you use. One simple way to do this is by donating your clothes once you are finished with them. Almost all clothes available today contain man-made fibers. By donating your clothes you eliminate the need for someone else to buy some new clothes.

Another great way to decrease your plastic footprint is to avoid unnecessary use of plastics such as bags, straws, water bottles, and cutlery, and to recycle, just as we do at St. Catherine’s! However, not all plastics can be recycled so be sure to check your plastic before you recycle it.

Keep your eyes open over the coming week as we will soon be revealing a student-made art piece created for the Symposium to bring attention to plastic pollution.

Primary student recycling
Photo credit: Jacob B.