
Lina Delgado has been in education for 18 years. She came to Houston, Texas in 2014 and started first as a Spanish and Drama teacher, where her teaching skills and organizational talents gained her recognition. Next, as Fine Arts Director, Lina expanded her school's fine arts programming to include innovation and other project-based offerings. One year later, upon the departure of a long-term principal, Lina was promoted to Middle School Principal and later Head of School. Lina's educational background includes an M.S. degree in Education focusing on the interdisciplinary arts. Her master's thesis focused on the utilization of performing arts and interactive learning in the education and development of elementary and secondary school students.
Lina's husband, Andres Delgado, is an architect. Married for 15 years, they have a wonderful 11-year-old daughter. Lina's favorite pastimes are spending time with family, reading, attending musicals, and visiting museums.