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SCM Annual Fund

The SCM Annual Fund is the school's primary fundraiser. It is designed to provide additional support to our operating budget, helping us fund our daily operations and accomplish immediate campus improvements and program updates. The annual fund drive is the first and most crucial fundraiser for St. Catherine's and benefits every member of our community. The motto of the SCM Annual Fund is "Every Family for Every Child," and we ask that 100% of our families make a meaningful contribution each year.

The financial goal for the 2024-2025 school year is $200,000 and St. Catherine's is prioritizing the following four areas for annual fund spending:

  • Better meeting the financial aid needs of our families through tuition assistance;
  • Enhancing the strength of our educational programs through increased professional development opportunities and AMI training for faculty and staff;
  • Improving campus facilities and prepared learning environments; and
  • Accommodating the local travel needs of our students with the purchase of an additional bus.

The 1966 Society

Consider becoming a member of The 1966 Society by making a gift of $1,966 or more to the SCM Annual Fund. Members are invited to attend a donor reception the following fall.


Make a Gift