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College Counseling

The college counseling work at St. Catherine’s is a collaboration among the counselor, student, family and guides, with the ultimate goal of discerning a range of good fit colleges unique to each student.

Over the years in the SCM high school, a student engages in many opportunities for self-reflection and assessment that, with the help of the guides and college counselor, enable the students to approach the college application process with a strong sense of purpose and direction. The college counselor engages in outreach to colleges and universities by arranging college visits to campus and attending college fairs and conferences, in order to establish relationships and advocate for the SCM students.

(Current students and parents)

CEEB Code:



Sarah Lewis

Director of College Counseling

Phone: (713) 665-2195  
Fax: (713) 665-1478

A sampling of where our most recent graduates are continuing their academic careers: