Adolescent Community
The adolescent of the 21st century is truly standing on the divide between childhood and adulthood - not yet ready for all of the responsibilities of adults in our society but often given much of the freedom of adulthood. It is a time of learning as much for the parents as for the adolescent. It is a time of intense work within the family and within the peer group. Our task as the guides in this community is to see that freedom and responsibility are balanced. We seek to guide adolescents towards accepting more responsibility for themselves: their health, their work, their peers and their environment while helping parents understand the differences between appropriate and inappropriate freedom.
The work of the adolescent is one of self-construction. Our program offers infinite opportunities for personal growth and growth as an individual in community. The curriculum is wide ranging and it is not expected that each student will follow each strand in the same depth as the other, rather, many areas of study are explored at a basic level and individuals are given the freedom to seek out and find areas that they want to develop further according to their interests. Therefore, in almost every area of the curriculum some choice is offered. Dr. Montessori set a tall order for the education of the adolescent believing that it was only through a full and well rounded education that our future adults could fully understand the responsibility they have to mankind and our planet Earth.