Adolescent Community

In our bustling Adolescent Community, we’ve been working on many creative projects leading up to the true beginning of our lessons. The first week of school we personalized our lockers by sewing curtains. Each advisory group (there are five) went to JoAnn’s to buy fabric for each individual in the group. For the rest of the week we worked on putting our curtains together, making planners, working on writing our code of civility and now we have a locker room filled with unique designs and a bonded community of students and guides. In addition to this, we also made a class mosaic. Each person designed their own wood tile, but we put it together as a community, similar to what we did with our garden fence. We repurposed the elementary Covid fence to put around the garden, so that we could let our chickens roam free without worrying about them eating all the growing plants.

This week our Humanities and Occupations groups each went on an outing regarding what we’ve been learning for the past two weeks. Occupations took a trip to Japhet Campus where they had a presentation on ow much water everyday items take to make. They also took water samples from the creek. Meanwhile, Humanities took a trip to a Mandir, a Hindu Temple. There, they saw beautiful intricate architecture, and observed a religious service of Hinduism. Overall, this community has been busy, ready, and excited for the adventures coming their way.

Written by - Meylia, Anaya and Kiran