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Board Profile

The main charge of the school board is to maintain the institution’s essential character and integrity and ensure that it remains viable to serve the children of today’s students, while being mindful of the boundary between board operations and day-to-day school management.
The St. Catherine’s board has three main responsibilities in meeting the above charge:
1. Finance
2. Governance
3. Self-Perpetuation
Collectively, the board is entrusted to ensure the financial integrity of the school, to support the Head of School in their execution of operations, and to ensure that the character and quality of the program and instruction remain consistent with the overall long-term commitment, vision and mission of the school.
Board members are expected to:
  1. Be of service to the school.
  2. Support decisions made collectively, presenting a united front to the school community and setting aside any personal reservations.
  3. Help fulfill Board commitments.
  4. Be responsible to the Board President by fulfilling the assignments delegated to them and be willingly responsive to the President’s leadership and direction.
  5. Serve a three-year renewable term.
Board members are expected to be active participants in the school’s fundraising efforts through the following:
  1. Promotion of the school in the greater community.
  2. Identification of potential donors and/or funding agencies.
  3. Donation of funds to the annual fund and other major financial gift giving programs to the fullest measure within their means and setting a standard of giving for others within the community for their own contributions.
  4. Attendance at school functions to show board support as appropriate.
  5. Writing thank you notes to donors when appropriate and as assigned.
Board Members are expected to serve in leadership roles on the board and as chairs or members of one or more committees:

Officers of the Corporation

President: The President is the Chief Operating Officer of the school and presides at all meetings of the Board, and signs all appropriate legal documents. The President also performs other duties as may be assigned in the by-laws.

Vice-President: The Vice-President performs the usual and customary duties that pertain to this office and, under the direction of the Board, other duties as may be assigned to this position.

Secretary: The Secretary attends all meetings of the Board and records the proceedings. They also perform various duties outlined in the by-laws and other duties as assigned to this position.

Treasurer: The Treasurer is responsible for providing financial information to the board and helping to ensure the financial viability of the school by performing the various duties outlined in the by-laws and other duties as assigned to this position.

Standing Committees

Advancement Committee: This committee ensures adequate resources through fundraising and enhances the school’s public standing.

Building & Grounds Committee: This committee works with the Head of School and the Facilities Manager to ensure the proper long-term maintenance of school property and oversees the expansion of the school and its infrastructure on the Timberside and Japhet Creek campuses.

Committee on Directors: This committee guides the board in self-perpetuation by recruiting board members, training new members, leading the board in self-reflection and evaluation, and overseeing board governance. This committee also works with the Head of School and the board regarding school policies.

Finance Committee: This committee exercises fiduciary responsibility and oversight and ensures adequate resources for the school. The Treasurer is the chairperson of this committee.

Head of School Support & Evaluation Committee: This committee supports the Head of School and assesses their performance on an annual basis. 

Ad Hoc Committees

Risk Management Committee: The committee assists the Board in its oversight of the school’s management of certain categories of identified risks, as well as the guidelines, policies and processes of monitoring and mitigating such risks.

Strategic Planning Committee: This committee meets in the last year of the current five-year strategic plan to review the implementation of the current plan and facilitate the creation of the next five-year plan. The current plan is 2023-2028. In the interim period, it is the responsibility of the Board of Directors to support the implementation of the Strategic Plan.

Board members are expected to help the board in self-perpetuation by:
  1. Helping to identify potential candidates to serve on the various standing and ad hoc board committees.
  2. Helping to identify potential candidates to serve on the board.
  3. Supporting the Committee on Directors in the new board member process.
Board Meetings
  • The board meets monthly from September to June. Meetings are usually 1-1.5 hours long. There are also occasions when the board may be required to meet outside of the regularly scheduled meetings.
  • Board members are expected to attend and participate in the meetings.
  • Board members are expected to review all board materials on the SharePoint portal prior to each meeting.
Committee Meeting
  • Committees meet as often as is appropriate for the work the committee is doing at any given time.
Board Composition
The board is comprised of nine (9) voting members and additional ex-officio members as appropriate. The members are categorized as follows:
  • Religious = three (3) members minimum [3-6 members]
  • Active SCM Community* = three (3) members maximum [0-3 members]
  • Greater Community = three (3) total [3 members]

*Active parents may not serve the Board in a different membership category.